Why was August Such a Special Month?

The past month has been such an Exceptional time!

All the moms in my life with the exception of my godmother all just so happen to have birthdays in August.

I thought this would be a cute little post and a wonderful opportunity to honor, show some love and gush over them for a sec.

Not only that, but our first baby girl Dynasty was born this past month . It has been fun to see with anticipation what day she would be born on. With all these birthdays (even my sister-in-law has a birthday in August) everyone was trying to see if she would be born on someone’s birthday or will she have her own date? Amazingly, she has her own date between her grandma and GG’s birthdays LOL!

With that being said, let’s say Happy Belated Birthday to my Moms!


Starting off in my life as my mom’s friend, this dear lady and her family have been such a blessing to our family over the years.

She was the one who introduced my mom to homeschooling and just been a true friend overall.

By the time I was married, this gentle, kindhearted woman had become like a second mother to me.
She has been there and encouraged me through some critical times with her Christ-centered counsel.
I honestly don’t know what I would do had God not allowed her to be there praying for me and talking me through some tough situations.

She has always shown patience , love and kindness. Always available, I can keep her on the phone forever pouring out my heart concerning a situation and she would listen, then shar her own story of a similar experience followed by wise and Godly counsel.

She has become a mentor and I am always able to text or call to get marriage advice, or see if my children will survive the latest ailment they are suffering from, to something pregnancy and/or homeschool related. She’s always there ready to serve and if she doesn’t know, she’s not afraid to admit, but will usually find the answer or pray for one.

I am blessed to have such a veteran in the Lord on my side.

Happy Belated Birthday!!

I just want to say thank you for being there. And I pray special blessings and open doors that will lead you and your family to your Promised Land!

My Mother-in-Law

My mother in law. Couldn’t ask for a better one.

I never thought too much of what to expect in a mother in law, but what I had in mind, my mother in law exceeded my expectations!

I remember when Kerwin had wanted me to meet her, I was nervous and unsure of what to expect, but we hit it off instantly! That was 10 years ago and we have been having a good time ever since. It’s always a wonderful time when we are together. Always something to talk and laugh about. 

Kerwin always jokes how I talk to his mother more than he does ha ha! It truly is a blessing to have such a relationship!

I admire her strength. She’s a strong person, but very much a lady. She is very easy going. It’s not hard to enjoy her company.

Though I’m not a huge fan of shopping, she’s rubbing off on me. I have picked up a few tips here and there that allows it to be fun and enjoyable without breaking the bank.

I am forever grateful to have a great relationship with my mother -in- law, I know it’s not every day to be able to have a wonderful relationship with your in-laws. God has blessed me tremendously with her. I pray as the years continue that our relationship gets stronger and better.

I am so thankful for her and all she does. She has always been there and very understanding.

I am also so grateful of the relationship the children have with her. They love their G.G


Happy Belated Birthday!! I truly believe this will a very special year!

My Momma

My precious mother. There’s none like her. She’s so maternal. I do not think I will be as maternal as she.

Though there are times our mothering styles clash. I can’t help but to stop and think had it not been for seeing my mother at home caring for us, I would not know that being a stay at home mom is the best thing a mother can do for her young (thank you 😘)

When all of us were at home, desiring her attention it’s no wonder she never seemed to wear herself thin.

Of course, as I got older I started to see the imperfections, but as I continued to grow and became a mother myself, I can’t help but still admire how she was able to do all she could under the circumstances we were in.

She has such a heart for people. Always able to stop and start a conversation with anyone, anytime, anywhere. She has a heart to share God’s love and encourages every and anyone. She has touched so many lives. She is loved and considered a mother to many.

I was able to spend this past weekend with her when she came and spent a few nights with us. I enjoyed laying around watching Netflix, making memories and sharing laughs.

I have a few friends who have lost their mothers, so I am truly blessed to still be able to have her here to love on and talk with.

She has instill so much in me that I can pass along to my children, I am thankful for her steadfastness in Christ and making sure our hearts were right with God growing up.

Her desire for God has enriched and benefited our lives so much. I am forever grateful.

I love you momma! And I pray God will establish you completely in Him!


I didn’t want to leave out my grandmothers! Both were born in August.

My mother was born on her mother’s birthday. I always thought that was so special. Because of that, these past few birthdays have been bittersweet because my mom’s mother passed a few years ago.

This year was made special with Dynasty’s arrival.

I am blessed to have my other grandmother and want to acknowledge them both in this post!

God Has Blessed Me

With such great and wonderful women! I am thankful that He saw fit to bless me with them all. Great women to look up to and learn from each day!

This post may not benefit many who read it and if you have read this far thank you! I just wanted to acknowledge the people who mean so much to me and let them know openly that I love them and pray God’s best for them!


  1. Thank you so much, Beth. You have truly honored me. It has been a privilege to be a part of your life. Thank you for letting me play a small part in what God is doing in your precious family. I see great things in store for you and your family.

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