Fun times gathering for a pic LOL

Hi, I’m Elisabeth and this is my family .
Welcome to Family Faith Legacy where we share our journey on fulfilling what Christ has called us to, a living example of a Christ-Centered family of faith all the while learning how to become legacy builders for the coming generations.

As a child I have always had a passion for family and marriage. My first Bible studies I did alone as a teenager were on the topic of marriage and roles of husbands and wives.

Did it equip me to be the perfect wife and mom? No! It did however, lay a foundation for me to take into a marriage, but I still had and still do have a lot to learn.

For the past 9 years I have been blessed

to be married to a man that shares this same passion.
I remembered during our premarital counseling session with our Pastor, and he asked us what did we feel God was calling us to?
We both answered being an example to other married couples and families.

It has been an honor to be a help meet to my husband and see the vision of family that God has put in our hearts come to pass.

We are not prefect nor do we know it all in the subject of family, but we do believe our story can bless and encourage you.

The purpose of this blog is to invite you on our journey as we fulfill the mission to become that faith-filled Christ-centered family that is learning to embrace God’s heart and true purpose for family, in hope to raise our children to live a life that brings honor and glory to God. Hoping to encourage those we come across and plant a seed to lead others to a generational mindset.

I will share what God lays on my heart concerning marriage, being a homemaker, intentional parenting, health, spiritual warfare, homeschooling, legacy building and more.

So stay a while and enjoy the posts. I pray I am used to help you find what you seek, whether it be an answer to a question, motivation, encouragement, hope, inspiration or just a fun read.

To learn more about my family click here.

Be Bless, Be A Blessing!

Elisabeth and Fam!