All the moms in my life with the exception of my godmother all just so happen to have birthdays in August.
I thought this would be a cute little post and a wonderful opportunity to honor, show some love and gush over them for a sec.
Not only that, but our first baby girl Dynasty was born this past month . It has been fun to see with anticipation what day she would be born on. With all these birthdays (even my sister-in-law has a birthday in August) everyone was trying to see if she would be born on someone’s birthday or will she have her own date? Amazingly, she has her own date between her grandma and GG’s birthdays LOL!
With that being said, let’s say Happy Belated Birthday to my Moms!
Starting off in my life as my mom’s friend, this dear lady and her family have been such a blessing to our family over the years.
She was the one who introduced my mom to homeschooling and just been a true friend overall.
By the time I was married, this gentle, kindhearted woman had become like a second mother to me. She has been there and encouraged me through some critical times with her Christ-centered counsel. I honestly don’t know what I would do had God not allowed her to be there praying for me and talking me through some tough situations.
She has always shown patience , love and kindness. Always available, I can keep her on the phone forever pouring out my heart concerning a situation and she would listen, then shar her own story of a similar experience followed by wise and Godly counsel.
She has become a mentor and I am always able to text or call to get marriage advice, or see if my children will survive the latest ailment they are suffering from, to something pregnancy and/or homeschool related. She’s always there ready to serve and if she doesn’t know, she’s not afraid to admit, but will usually find the answer or pray for one.
I am blessed to have such a veteran in the Lord on my side.
Happy Belated Birthday!!
I just want to say thank you for being there. And I pray special blessings and open doors that will lead you and your family to your Promised Land!
My Mother-in-Law
My mother in law. Couldn’t ask for a better one.
I never thought too much of what to expect in a mother in law, but what I had in mind, my mother in law exceeded my expectations!
I remember when Kerwin had wanted me to meet her, I was nervous and unsure of what to expect, but we hit it off instantly! That was 10 years ago and we have been having a good time ever since. It’s always a wonderful time when we are together. Always something to talk and laugh about.
Kerwin always jokes how I talk to his mother more than he does ha ha! It truly is a blessing to have such a relationship!
I admire her strength. She’s a strong person, but very much a lady. She is very easy going. It’s not hard to enjoy her company.
Though I’m not a huge fan of shopping, she’s rubbing off on me. I have picked up a few tips here and there that allows it to be fun and enjoyable without breaking the bank.
I am forever grateful to have a great relationship with my mother -in- law, I know it’s not every day to be able to have a wonderful relationship with your in-laws. God has blessed me tremendously with her. I pray as the years continue that our relationship gets stronger and better.
I am so thankful for her and all she does. She has always been there and very understanding.
I am also so grateful of the relationship the children have with her. They love their G.G
Happy Belated Birthday!! I truly believe this will a very special year!
My Momma
My precious mother. There’s none like her. She’s so maternal. I do not think I will be as maternal as she.
Though there are times our mothering styles clash. I can’t help but to stop and think had it not been for seeing my mother at home caring for us, I would not know that being a stay at home mom is the best thing a mother can do for her young (thank you 😘)
When all of us were at home, desiring her attention it’s no wonder she never seemed to wear herself thin.
Of course, as I got older I started to see the imperfections, but as I continued to grow and became a mother myself, I can’t help but still admire how she was able to do all she could under the circumstances we were in.
She has such a heart for people. Always able to stop and start a conversation with anyone, anytime, anywhere. She has a heart to share God’s love and encourages every and anyone. She has touched so many lives. She is loved and considered a mother to many.
I was able to spend this past weekend with her when she came and spent a few nights with us. I enjoyed laying around watching Netflix, making memories and sharing laughs.
I have a few friends who have lost their mothers, so I am truly blessed to still be able to have her here to love on and talk with.
She has instill so much in me that I can pass along to my children, I am thankful for her steadfastness in Christ and making sure our hearts were right with God growing up.
Her desire for God has enriched and benefited our lives so much. I am forever grateful.
I love you momma! And I pray God will establish you completely in Him!
I didn’t want to leave out my grandmothers! Both were born in August.
My mother was born on her mother’s birthday. I always thought that was so special. Because of that, these past few birthdays have been bittersweet because my mom’s mother passed a few years ago.
This year was made special with Dynasty’s arrival.
I am blessed to have my other grandmother and want to acknowledge them both in this post!
God Has Blessed Me
With such great and wonderful women! I am thankful that He saw fit to bless me with them all. Great women to look up to and learn from each day!
This post may not benefit many who read it and if you have read this far thank you! I just wanted to acknowledge the people who mean so much to me and let them know openly that I love them and pray God’s best for them!
One of the best things my parents did for us younger siblings was to home school.
I was going into the 8th grade and at the time I didn’t understand the spiritual reasons for doing it. I just knew the 2 things my mom kept drilling us with as she pulled us out of public school.
We are not to conform to this world
My Mom- Mae Smith
And the Scripture Deuteronomy 6:7 that tells parents that we are to diligently instruct our children as we rise, when walking by the way and when we lay our heads.
It was that decision years ago that opened my eyes to a whole new worldview.
I discovered things about myself that I never knew, like science can actually be fun and when I thought I didn’t like to study, I found I LOVE to study!!
It was such a great experience, and I am forever grateful for them choosing to homeschool us. I enjoyed it so much that it was a no brainer that I would homeschool my children!
You can imagine my excitement when my husband and I were dating and this topic came up. I mentioned I wanted to home school and he immediately was on board.
So as summer vacation comes to an end and I see Christian parents sending their children off to school, I have one question to ask you. Did you know that homeschooling your child(ren) can lead to greater chances of the blessed benefit of winning the heart of your child(ren)?
I have written this piece on our top 5 reasons we homeschool, what we have learned in the process and how by doing it is helping my husband and I to win our children’s hearts. I write this to inspire you to think of why you should consider homeschooling. Why take the chance of placing the trust of your precious child(ren) to a place that does NOT support what you are to consider your core values and possibly lose your children in the process.
1. By Taking Back Our Responsibility As Parents
Children are a blessing. They are our reward, with that came responsibility. That responsibility is to love, nurture, protect, provide, train and discipline, but it also included teaching and discipling them. Prepping them for the calling God has for them. There should be a vision to raise up and prepare our children to become Godly men and women who are deeply rooted in the Word of God.
I am not implying that parents who send their children to public or any school outside the home isn’t planning and praying that as their goal, but what I am saying is, we as Christian parents should not continue to place our responsibility to others that is our own if we can help it.
You shall teach diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.
Deuteronomy 6:7
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
It is not the responsibility of the church, youth pastor, Sunday school teacher or government education, private school or christian private school, but OURS! I’m not saying that our children can’t or won’t have other teachers or influences in their lives, but we should be the PRIMARY ones. And at the beginning of their lives the ONLY ones.
When we send our children off to school for 8 hours and sometimes longer when you include extra curriculum activities and homework, you have to be honest, it is a challenge (not 100% impossible, but more challenging) to compete for their minds and hearts when someone else has their attention most of the day.
When we take our responsibility as parents, my/our job as help meets to our husbands is to help instruct and disciple our children to follow a path towards Christ. We are to first teach them to love the Lord our God with all their heart, mind, soul and all their strength. Doing this leads us to our children’s heart.
2. By Protecting Them
John 17:15 “I pray not that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from evil.” When I say we are to protect our children from this world, I find people reject this truth by saying that, “We can’t shield our children from everything.” Or.. “They will eventually come across the very things we are trying to protect them from.” “We can’t just isolate them.” We have to learn to stick to the Word of God and not what we feel or think is right or even justified.
The Bible clearly tells us to “Keep them from evil” Keeping them from evil isn’t taking them out of the world. This isn’t about overprotecting and putting our children in a unrealistic bubble, but we are to shield them from evil.
Why should I expose my children to evil that they are not ready to comprehend or deal with. That would be the equivalent to throwing a solider out to war without prepping them. How do they survive? Do we say, well we can’t protect them from it? They will eventually be exposed to it. Do we get hired for a job and not receive on the job training before starting the position? There is always a season of training.
Raising and protecting our children is the same way. Their childhood is their training ground to be prepared to go out into this world and be the shining light that this dark world needs.
We need to desperately understand there is a spiritual war going on out here. The enemy wants not only your soul, but your children’s as well. There is no need to wonder why our children start to act a certain way all of a sudden when they are constantly being exposed to ungodly things 8+ hours a day.
Public schools have many agendas that go against the Word of God, there is no need to go over them here, but we know what they are yet, we send them, our children out there thinking an end of the summer prayer at church to protect them will work and ask God to allow them to be a light in such a dark place. Are we serious?!
In my city, a high school can have under or over 3,000 students. These students coming from multiple backgrounds and spiritual up brings or none at all. Think of all the problems and issues, generational curses and temptations that you and your family alone face. Now times 3,000. Not including teachers who can be just as insane and other staff that your child runs into daily.
How much light do you believe your child really has at the school age of life to deal with that when again, they are spending 8+hours a day there and only a few hours on Sunday in a possible watered down youth group or Sunday School class? I’m not against either by the way(youth groups and Sunday schools can be great supplements). I just know the war we fight, those few hours on Sunday ain’t gonna cut it to deal with the influences of other children and the demonic agendas of schools.
I am not saying that homeschooling is an automatic protection either. There are some who homeschool and still not take full responsibility for their children. They have adopted the public/private school mentality and simply do school at home. There are some parents who have not captured the heart of their children. What I am speaking of is true responsibility of our children. Taking the time to really get to the heart of the child.
Going back to John 17:15, we are to shield them from the evils of this world. We are to expose those evils and teach them what the Word of God has to say. They have to learn we are in this world, but not of it. When you have time read John 17:15-19 I truly believe it should be applied in our parenting.
3. Allowing Children to Be Themselves
Able to learn who they are and called to be. Honing in on their skills and talents.
I look at my boys daily and I see their uniqueness and special qualities. I see 2 young boys who would not be able to tolerate the school set up of having to sit still all day with scheduled structured time to play.
Jeremiah could, but not in the way the school system wants.
Jeremiah peacefully playing
Jeremiah loves to sit and mediate. He loves to study by looking and watching what we do around the house. He loves peace and have worship music playing, any soft music playing for that matter.
He flows at his own pace catching on as he sees fit.
Nehemiah on the other hand is always on the go. He’s not about to sit still all day and learn from books and a chalk board. He takes matters into his own hands. He doesn’t need to wait for instruction. He is very much of a self-directed learner. He loves to build and experiment.
Nehemiah making a stop light
Both boys take their time to learn what they are interested in. They don’t rush the process.
Example: they had me read the Bible story Joseph every single night for months. In that time they learned all the details and it just became an overall favorite story for them.
They are able to process things at their own time. Schools go by a curriculum that needs to be completed by the end of the year. My boys would feel rushed.
4. Unschooling or Deschooling:
This is actually a continuation of reason #3.
When we set out to homeschool, I wasn’t intending to unschool. It just happened.
We were learning letters and letter sounds by watching different videos. Because I was pregnant at the time, I would miss some days, but the boys learned how to get those videos on by themselves and would watch. Next thing I knew, when reviewing with them to see what to work on, both boys had learned all the letters, sounds and knew how to write without me doing anything.
When I would try to set up a scheduled time, I saw that they didn’t flow the same. It was forced and I was in their way.
It was then that I realized unschool was best and right especially in this season.
This is why I love homeschooling, especially unschooling. You’re free to be. Free to learn how you see fit. The pressure was off me and them.
I was free from making a schedule of what I think they should know and they were free to just be- play and learn.
It also freed Kerwin and I to concentrate on more important matters to deal with them about like the issues of the heart.
5) Socialization and Work Together
Wasn’t expecting this one haha!
The main question homeschoolers get is..
What about socialization?
Everyone who knows nothing about Homeschooling
“What about it? “
Here is my take:
School does not teach socialization. Don’t you remember hearing you’re not here to socialize, you’re here to learn?
How are you able to learn social skills when you can’t speak most of the day?
My elementary school went as far as not even allowing us to talk at lunch. Crazy!
Then what socializing is left is done among children that are in the same class room for the most part. Children who are the same age and learning the same stuff.
A lot of the time classes are divided by learning abilities. The smart children in one class, the in between students in one, the ones with extremely low test scores in one and the special needs are off in a far corner.
You’re not taught how to interact with people who are different from you. I believe that’s why there is such a high rate of bullying and intolerance. Children are only taught how to interact with those similar to them. Talk about unrealistic.
In a family that’s a different story. A home with a family have individuals who are completely different from each other.
I grew up with 5 siblings and we are completely different from one another.
I’m a type A personality while my sisters and mother are far from it.
I have a brother who is a jokester. A brother who is special needs. Some siblings are very emotionally sensitive. Some are very talkative and some quiet by nature. And you have to learn to get along and work together.
In my own house hold, Kerwin is more laid back, I’m more rush, rush and to do list.
Nehemiah is more outgoing and sociable than everyone, including Kerwin and I. Jeremiah is not a risk taker. Eli is a mixture of both boys. And we are constantly learning to work, love and accept one another as we are. Also learning to love and accept ourselves because there were times in our lives that Kerwin and I wasn’t fully accepted by those around us for being ”too different”.
In an intentional household you work on these issues, learning to love and appreciate the differences. A lot of times school separates and pull siblings apart as everyone drifts off to their own interests and friends leaving what was once close relationships with sisters and brothers, even parents behind.
I admire the boys. They are so different from each other, but they know how to work together. And take interest in what the other is up to.
Boys working together
It’s not something you automatically learn, but are taught living in a family and being intentional.
That’s why I believe socialization starts at home not school.
In conclusion
This is written in love, though may sound harsh at times, that’s not my intention. This isn’t a judgement call to working parents, single or any parent, but something to think on and truly examine our hearts. This is about capturing the heart of our children and doing whatever we can to do so.
It’s not impossible to keep the faith in school, but it is especially challenging when its not time for them to be out fighting the enemy in that way. You have to train your solider and that takes time. It takes securing them in love and in a nurturing environment, where they can be taught in love, by parents who have their best interests at heart.
We can’t expect them to handle the demonic pressures, we as adults can barely handle at a job.
We can’t win a war with immature soldiers. I am not saying that homeschool guarantees success to bring up holy children. Each person has to decide in their own heart to choose Christ, but I believe the Word when it says that if we train up a child in the way they should go, when he is older, he won’t depart.
Ask God to show you His way. Be open minded. His thoughts aren’t like ours. Don’t be afraid to step out. All your concerns He will help you through. He cares for you!
It’s not always easy, this is a journey, but just know no matter what society has taught us.. You are totally equipped to teach your child(ren)!!
It is my prayer that you can see that these 5 reasons can bring your family together to love and learn of one another while capturing the hearts of your children.
Why are you homeschooling or not homeschooling? No judgement zone. Let’s help one another. Your question or concern could be answered right in the comment section..
It was one of those mornings. I was tired and I just wanted a smooth morning with no crying or whining. To have the ability to get these morning smoothies out to everyone in a peaceful, calm manner, Kerwin’s lunch to him and possibly sneak in a morning nap.
NOPE! That wasn’t the case. I had Nehemiah still passed out in bed as if he worked 3rd shift. He should be up.
Jeremiah was standing on one side of me watching as if I would forget he was there waiting for his smoothie.
Eli on my other side crying because he was impatiently waiting for me to finish the smoothies and pick him up.
I didn’t have a good night, so I was extremely tired and sleepy. Here I am, pregnant feeling achy and sore and waking up all throughout the night not because of that! but because for some odd reason Eli decided it was a great night to protest getting sleep.
The morning couldn’t get anymore nerve wrecking.
Kerwin decided to jump in on the fun. He was standing there looking at a trade he just took (he’s a forex trader). It seemed to not be going in his favor. This would be the third trade this week that would end badly, if this wouldn’t turn around.
He started giving in to discouragement and hopelessness. As the words of doubt, worry and hopelessness came out of his mouth, I immediately felt a wave of weakness come over me. I was just finishing his lunch at this point. I handed it to him.
“I need a min” I said as I walked out the kitchen and went towards the bedroom. I got back in bed to collect my thoughts and get myself together.
I asked for Eli because I knew Kerwin was having to get ready to go. He brought him to me as he leaving for the day. I honestly can’t remember if we even kissed each other bye. I was so over it.
I finally got myself together and sent him a text so when he got to work he would read it and be encouraged.
It didn’t work. As we were texting back and forth, I could tell he was out for the count it seemed. I pushed and pushed to encourage him in the Lord, but he wasn’t hearing it. He said he had to go, he was about to drive.
Now normally when this sort of thing would happen I would call and push further hoping something I would say will make an impact or the light bulb would go off. And as usual I would have to back off and let him and God work it out.
So today I said to myself, I’m not calling. I need to get my own strength back up. I’m not gonna have this pull on me all day. I’m going to go on with what I need to do which is REST and prepare for my morning Bible study with the boys.
As the boys and I read our book about praying to God, at the end it had the following scripture:
“Be anxious for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6
And even though I was reading to them, it applied to me. It was my right now word. I don’t need to give myself a headache trying to make sure Kerwin is okay. I need to not be anxious over this. I need to do what this scripture said. Take this into prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let my request be made known to God.
I know what to do. I laid Eli down for his morning nap and went into prayer.
It was at this moment, it was obvious I was stronger in Spirit. I wasn’t down by discouragement and instead of getting aggravated that he was discouraged, I needed to go into warfare on his behalf.
He didn’t need me to talk him into feeling better. He needed me to go and pray over his mind and declare and speak to his spirit man. Let it go and go about my day.
As I sat, Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” came to mind.
My fight was not with Kerwin or trying to convince him of anything, my fight was the spirit behind all of this and that is who I needed to go and confront. It was obvious by the way he was speaking, it wasn’t Kerwin, but the enemy speaking through Kerwin.
The Prayer
went something like this..
I begin by praying, thanking God for allowing me to see it for what it was and not to give in to discouragement myself.
I then declared the enemy to leave his mind. Allow Kerwin to see that this was the enemy . Remind him of your love Father. The thoughts of failure and hopeless was not of You Father. He feels abandoned, but allow him to remember that you will never leave him nor forsake him. Instead of having negative thoughts, Father I speak to Kerwin’s spirit to hear hope and prosperity. Where Kerwin hears God will not help in this area, remind him that You supply all our needs according to Your riches and glory in Christ Jesus.
3 John 1:2 says Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.
You delight in our prosperity not our lack. Take back every thought that come to exalt itself against the knowledge of God .
I prayed the Word of God.
And guess what? Afterwards, I felt better and was able to release it. Not only that, God allowed me to get some sleep after because I was really sleepy, but I needed to press through on my husband’s behalf because it affects our family. My husband needed me. I’m not sure how long I slept, but I woke up refreshed and no longer tired.
I guess God is still showing me that when we put Him first He will take care of our needs.
Now I can resume my day. I trust that as I’m going about my day and Kerwin his, God is doing a work. And once we talk again there will be a difference. Either way God is in control.
I want to encourage you if and when your husband’s mind or even yours is under attack, remind yourself and the enemy who is in control.
Does your husband go through battles of the mind? When these episodes happen, how do you deal?
Is fighting in the spirit something you need to work on? Share your thoughts! Let’s encourage one another.
I think if we all look at our lives, we can say we are not where we want to be. I know we certainly can, but I can testify we are definitely not where we used to be.
It was only 2 years ago, things were so different for us. Overwhelmingly difficult. A time of hardship for sure.
The Hardship
Kerwin was an over the road truck driver. He was gone most of the time. He tried to come home monthly, but that wasn’t guaranteed , especially in the early days when they didn’t pay enough for him to be able to take off.
It was extremely hard. We had somewhat prepared for the long distance marriage relationship, but was not prepared for the low pay and the carelessness of the truck driving industry, who didn’t care if truck drivers had families they wanted to get home to.
The pay eventually, got better, but it didn’t take the place of Kerwin’s presence. The boys missed him, I missed him. We were used to being around each other every available moment possible.
To top it off, when Nehemiah was 14 months, he had developed acute eczema, but a few days after Kerwin left, Nehemiah’s eczema got worse. It went from acute to severe eczema in a matter of days!
Nehemiah’s mild eczema
It was the beginning of a very dark time. Nehemiah’s eczema consumed our life. Finding the cause and curing it was all I could think of. You name it, we most likely tried it.
There was no such thing as sleep. Nehemiah was tortured all night long, scratching, itching and bleeding terribly. Staying up all night with him and waking up to start the day with, Jeremiah, it became too easy to become sleep deprived.
I wouldn’t be honest to say that I never felt lonely, resentful and abandoned. Our family was very young. Nehemiah was 1 and Jeremiah only 6 months at the time Kerwin went on the road. I felt like a single parent. I went from having a partner to having to handle the boys and everything else totally on my own.
It was always stressful and overwhelming. I finally hit a breaking point and started suffering from panic attacks. At one point I would have them multiple times a day.
I felt like a mess and ashamed that my mind and body had turned against me. I viewed myself as a strong person but overnight became weak and I hated it. It opened the door to new fears that I had to eventually learn to overcome.
We were living with my mother at the time because we wanted to save up for getting our own home and Kerwin didn’t want me to be alone while he was gone. His intentions were good and my mother graciously allowed the boys and I to stay, but I definitely felt alone despite living in a house full of family.
The lonliness of being over the road started to affect Kerwin. It took it’s toll on him mentally, emotionally and physically.
He started to experience some anxiety and I became extremely worried concerning his health and his state of mind.
It was the beginning of 2017 when Kerwin came home to visit. We shared how we both were fed up with this situation. This lifestyle was becoming unbearable and putting a strain on our marriage and family.
We had discussed the fact that we never took a family vacation with just us and the boys. We decided then our goal that year was to take a family vacation, no excuses! This led to setting even more goals, such as him getting off the road and getting our own place. At that point, we didn’t care if it was an apt, a rental or purchasing our own home. We just knew it was time to get back together as afamily.
I remember saying “Lord, I don’t know how all this can be accomplished.” (But, it’s not for us to know, we just have to believe.) We decided to believe it could be done.
A True Miracle..
Since deciding to walk by faith that our family would be restored back together, I started to notice Nehemiah’s skin was clearing up. It was such a miracle to witness. The illness that stole my baby’s skin, hair and zapped his once lively and happy personality was now leaving. He was being restored to what God had originated him to be.
We were excited to see the change. We were in the middle of a fruit detox, but I honestly believe it was God’s grace and mercy that truly healed him. All glory goes to God and nothing I did.
I wish I could say I stood perfectly in faith, but I spent many nights crying out to God why, how do I deal with this and heal my baby!!
He is faithful, He does heal the sick!
A Mini Vacation
As Nehemiah’s eczema was healing, it freed me up to be able to go on the road with Kerwin to a trip to California. He was excited that my mom didn’t mind watching the boys for some much needed time alone.
I absolutely love going on the road with Kerwin. I had only gone with him two other times. One was an overnight trip and the other was for almost two weeks.
This time was definitely needed, to get away from everything. At the time, my grandma had just passed and we were in the middle of stepping out on faith and shopping for a home loan.
It was also a time to reconnect as a couple, something that was much needed at the time as well.
Our First Family Vacation
A few weeks after Kerwin and I got back from our trip to California, we set off to Galveston, Tx to take the boys to the beach.
I couldn’t believe God had allowed the opportunity for us to really go on our first family vacation. At this time Nehemiah was 3 and Jeremiah 2. This was the first time we were alone as a family EVER!
Fun on the beach!
It was such fun spending time as a family. We all enjoyed it! The boys loved being there at the beach. They had a hard time leaving when it was time to go.
We even spent a day just lounging around in the hotel room. I got much-needed rest which wasn’t easy since I was battling anxiety and having panic attacks like crazy during that time.
It was great seeing the boys getting a chance to play and spend time with daddy.
Finally Off the Road
A month after we came home from our vacation, Kerwin was offered a local position in the DFW area. It was unbelievable!
Finally the day had come that I could see my hubby daily! But before we could truly celebrate, it was time to find a place to call home. He had the position in Dallas-Ft.Worth, but we were still located in Shreveport, La.
It was still a victory that we had! And we were happy for it.
We’re Home!
After months of searching, almost two months after we got back home from vacation we were able to get our preapproval to shop for our home!
We felt like little fish in a big pond. The home buying process was a very intimidating one, but God had blessed us with a realtor who didn’t give up on us and a loan company that smiled and held our hand the entire time.
Next thing we know we are at the closing table closing on our first home.
I can’t explain the feeling. Little us, who were staying with my mom all that time was now moving into our very own home.
This home felt like a reward from God for enduring everything we had to endure over the years.
It was everything we wanted and more.
A true blessing. I still sit in awe, wondering how did we get here?
Just the Beginning
That’s the short version of our story. There is much more to say, but this post gives a bit of a background of what we have had to overcome to get to where we are now.
As we still continue to get settle where we are, we discover there is much more God has for us. This is our journey now. Getting back to being a family, learning how God sees family and walking into the purpose He has called our family to.
He has so much good in store for His families. We want to know what it all entails so we can share as we learn.
What is something God has had your family overcome? He is so faithful! Let’s encourage one another with our story!
On our About page, you read about the purpose of the blog, but I wanted to formally introduce you to my family, so we can get to know one of another.
So without further ado let’s get started.
My husband, the leader/King of our household. What can I say about him? He’s known to most as the quiet type and he has a cool, calm and collective personality, but not as quiet as most think. I love his laid-back personality. He’s very easy going and goes with the flow (which I love). It brings balance to our relationship.
He’s a true family man and always puts us first.
He loves his work which is being a truck driver (thankfully local) and forex trading.
In his spare time you will find him drawing, researching and wrestling with his boys.
His secret talent is baking. He makes the best chocolate chip cookies. He is always in the kitchen tryinng to perfect whatever recipe he’s working on.
Then there’s me! The wife and mommy of our little kingdom. I enjoy being a wife and mother. I have always felt the desire to be such, so God has truly blessed me.
I love reading, studying and obviously writing. If you were to ever go through my phone or laptop you would find over 100 tabs (literally on my phone).
One of my favorite things to do is being in the kitchen perfecting my sourdough baking and taking our health to the next level.
At night when I should be sleep, you will find me on my kindle reading something that I’m currently studying.
I always thought I hated to shop, but since having children, I find I enjoy it LOL.
I love spending time with my family, even if it’s just a car ride somewhere.
Kerwin and I
years of memories
I love our relationship, we have so much fun together.
Competing in old school games is an all-time favorite. I think we fell in love with each other playing Mario Bros 3 LOL.
Then there are the times we pull out the Wii and it gets real serious. Rearrange the family room because it’s on when we play Wii Sports and the Michael Jackson Experience.
We love studying together, and there are times we just love sitting in the same room, not necessarily interacting with one another, but just knowing we are in the same space.
Then there are the random times listening to prank phone calls.
Sundays when Kerwin is preparing breakfast, we listen to one of our favorite teachers in the Word and have Bible discussions sharing what each of us took from what we’ve learned.
I couldn’t ask for a better marriage partner!
Nehemiah is our dear oldest. He is such a huge help to me. Smartest 5 year old I know.
He definitely lives up to his name, a builder. He has such a passion for building. He will build you something out of anything. Legos of all sizes, blocks, spare boxes, it doesn’t matter.
He loves all things transportation, especially trains, train tracks, railroad crossings and school buses.
Even when the Texas heat allows us to enjoy outside time, he’s out there alongside his brother Jeremiah exploring, building and creating.
He just has such a fun time exploring his creativity. When he is not building, he enjoys videos on building things and apps such as Lego Creator Island and Blocks World.
He also draws which is a gift he has received from his father and GG. His drawings are of his recent field of study which is the weather, specifically tornados. He is constantly, showing his latest drawings of tornadoes and their destruction.
It has been amazing seeing him mature into boyhood.
My precious second child. He is what I like to call our 4th of July surprise! And he is full of them.
While his older brother inherited his fast pace mentally from mommy, Jeremiah has you actually slow down and enjoy the simple things like his father.
He has taught me to be a more intentional parent, learning that parents must teach their children everything.
He is the best babysitter. I can always depend on him to help me with Eli. He has saved me so many mornings by entertaining Eli while I finish mentally preparing for the day.
His favorite activities include playing the old school Super Mario Bros, his play-doh, his bubble machine and reading his Bible.
Eli is only one, but he has pushed me in ways that have led to a lot of growth within our family and I’m grateful.
He’s such a giggler. We love his laugh.
He likes hanging out with daddy and mommy. He is such a daddy’s boy, but they all are.
He likes to watch his brothers build, just so he can knock it over. I call him Tornado or Godzilla Eli LOL.
As he matures there will be more to write about, but just know he very much enjoys being the baby.
My Big Boys
The boys love being outside seeing what they can get into. Going to the farm chasing the animals. Run around the house chasing each other with their made up games. They look forward to Bible Time and our praise and worship time where we rock out banging on our instruments (that none of us can really play LOL).
They also enjoy learning how to read and write. Even Eli is starting to pick up pens and pencils drawing on the paper. Their favorite letter learning video and book at the moment is Chicka Chicka boom boom.
They are special little guys. I love how they interact with one another and other children, particularly younger ones. They are so gentle and watchful over them.
Our Family
We as a family enjoy our Sunday mornings where daddy makes pancakes and we play the Pancake Manor Pancake song.
Our random trips to Walmart or Target. Hitting up the arcade when we can.
Playing old school video games and finding a movie to watch on Saturdays after daddy gets off and we eat take-out.
In So..
To wrap up, this is our family. It’s a simple life, yet overwhelmingly fulfilling.
We would love to get to know you!
Drop a few lines in the comment box and introduce yourself, join our Family Faith Legacy Facebook page here to interact and have a chance to connect with one another there.
It’s Father’s day! I’m so excited because it’s an extra day I get to honor and celebrate my husband for being the great father he is and continues to become.
But not only did I want to honor my husband, Kerwin, I thought of my own father, brother, and father-in-law. Each special and unique in their own right. They have each taught me something along the way, so as I honor my Kerwin in this post, I will mention what each of these men have taught me and how I appreciate them!
My Dad
As a child I witnessed my dad struggle with a lot of demons and there were times when we didn’t have the best relationship. I was even angry with him, but as I got older, I begin to see that he is a mere man that is not perfect, no matter how much we expect our parents to be. It was through this revelation that I was able to see past the flaws and see the good, developing what is the great relationship that we have today.
He teaches me faith and perseverance. I have seen him knocked down too many times to count, but he always bounces back standing strong in faith. He never really complains, he just takes a licking and keep ticking believing God all the way to see him through. He teaches me no matter how bad it gets, keep going in the faith. Keep pressing, praying and waiting on God.
One thing I have always admired is that he never stays mad for long. Someone could make him mad and next thing I know he is okay and goes on as if it never happened.
It is also through him that I have inherited the gift of entrepreneurship. My dad is brilliant and has the ability to help people in startup businesses. He always thought of me as an entrepreneur even when I didn’t see it. But over the past few years it has come upon me to become one and I know it is from him.
Okay, okay… I know I said I would mention one thing, but I couldn’t help myself LOL. Happy Father’s Day Daddy, Love You !!
My Brother
My brother is such a goofball, but since I became married, I have admired his efforts on being a good father. I have learned through him and Kerwin the importance of masculinity and manhood.
The importance of giving men their space to raise and father their sons. That was something I never knew was of deep importance until I heard it from them.
I also admire his boldness. He is pretty fearless. If you follow him on social media, you would know what I mean LOL. He has a natural “I don’t care what they think” attitude. I’m trying to get to that point. I will keep studying him along with lots of prayer.
My Father-in-law
I won’t post a picture of him, because he’s top secret like that. Actually, he doesn’t like his pictures online and that I can respect especially these days.
Just imagine the Superman image because my husband and I call him that base off an insider joke. But, I do see that my husband really does look up to his father as the superman that he is.
I admire their relationship and even though my father-in-law doesn’t consider himself a Christian religious type person, he raised a godly man. I appreciate the masculinity he instills in his sons and equipped them to the best of his abilities to be heads of their families.
He truly has become a second father to me that I have been able to go to when needed, and I appreciate that!
Last, but certainly not least…
My husband, Kerwin
Never did I imagine the relationship that God has blessed Kerwin and I to have. God has truly blessed me with such a man. He really is my best friend and I wouldn’t know what to do without him.
His patience can’t be beat. The love he has for those around him can’t be compared. He has taught me so much during our years together. I certainly would not be the woman I am today had it not been for him.
He teaches me to relax and slow down. He is a more slow pace person than I am. It balances out, but there are a LOT of times when I really do need to pace myself. How many times, have I had to come back and say to him, “I am so glad I waited to do…”
I get very tense and nervous quickly, but he keeps me calm and I am glad I can look at him during hard times and see he is still standing strong and not in a panic. It keeps me at peace.
He has gently taught me how to be his help meet, just chill in the passenger side and not feel the need to take control over a situation. I have learned through him a beautiful lesson that God comes and shows up in many different ways that we can least expect it and not always understand right away.
He has taught me the importance of being a godly supportive wife. He’s been a wonderful example of leaving and cleaving to his wife and family and teaches me to establish healthy boundaries.
I appreciate and love how he takes actual time to play with our boys to the point where he is just completely worn out, but laughing and enjoying the whole time. I love to see the boys crawl up on him and sit in his lap while he’s studying or watching t.v. And it’s cute that he enjoys waking up every Sunday morning to make pancakes all because he knows our oldest, Nehemiah looks forward to it.
I also love to see his interaction with Nehemiah as he preps him in little ways to become the man that our little guy will eventually be.
I appreciate how he works hard for our family, yet is not afraid to come home and help me when he sees I need the extra assistance.
These are some of the things that come to mind. I could go on. I have much to be thankful for.
I believe that’s why it pains me to see Father’s Day underrated and even disrespected by some.
My father, brother, father-in law and husband are not perfect. Far from it. But I believe we should take the time to acknowledge what good there is and appreciate it.
There are some men out there that are truly deadbeats. It’s unfortunate because they are missing out on one of life’s greatest gifts, being a father and raising the families they have created.
For those of you that have fathers and husbands who are around doing their best in this crazy world, acknowledge and honor them! Shower them in love. It’s hard out here. Take some time today to celebrate!!
How will you be celebrating Father’s Day??
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