On our About page, you read about the purpose of the blog, but I wanted to formally introduce you to my family, so we can get to know one of another.
So without further ado let’s get started.

My husband, the leader/King of our household. What can I say about him? He’s known to most as the quiet type and he has a cool, calm and collective personality, but not as quiet as most think. I love his laid-back personality. He’s very easy going and goes with the flow (which I love). It brings balance to our relationship.
He’s a true family man and always puts us first.
He loves his work which is being a truck driver (thankfully local) and forex trading.
In his spare time you will find him drawing, researching and wrestling with his boys.
His secret talent is baking. He makes the best chocolate chip cookies. He is always in the kitchen

Then there’s me! The wife and mommy of our little kingdom. I enjoy being a wife and mother. I have always felt the desire to be such, so God has truly blessed me.
I love reading, studying and obviously writing. If you were to ever go through my phone or laptop you would find over 100 tabs (literally on my phone).
One of my favorite things to do is being in the kitchen perfecting my sourdough baking and taking our health to the next level.
At night when I should be sleep, you will find me on my kindle reading something that I’m currently studying.
I always thought I hated to shop, but since having children, I find I enjoy it LOL.
I love spending time with my family, even if it’s just a car ride somewhere.
Kerwin and I

I love our relationship, we have so much fun together.
Competing in old school games is an all-time favorite. I think we fell in love with each other playing Mario Bros 3 LOL.
Then there are the times we pull out the Wii and it gets
We love studying together, and there are times we just love sitting in the same room, not necessarily interacting with one another, but just knowing we are in the same space.
Then there are the random times listening to prank phone calls.
Sundays when Kerwin is preparing breakfast, we listen to one of our favorite teachers in the Word and have Bible discussions sharing what each of us took from what we’ve learned.
I couldn’t ask for a better marriage partner!

Nehemiah is our dear oldest. He is such a huge help to me. Smartest
He definitely lives up to his name, a builder. He has such a passion for building. He will build you something out of anything. Legos of all sizes, blocks, spare boxes, it doesn’t matter.
He loves all things transportation, especially trains, train tracks, railroad crossings and school buses.
Even when the Texas heat allows us to enjoy outside time, he’s out there alongside his brother Jeremiah exploring, building and creating.
He just has such a fun time exploring his creativity. When he is not building, he enjoys videos on building things and apps such as Lego Creator Island and Blocks World.
He also draws which is a gift he has received from his father and GG. His drawings are of his recent field of study which is the weather, specifically tornados. He is constantly, showing his
It has been amazing seeing him mature into boyhood.

My precious second child. He is what I like to call our 4th of July surprise! And he is full of them.
While his older brother inherited his fast pace mentally from mommy, Jeremiah has you actually slow down and enjoy the simple things like his father.
He has taught me to be a more intentional parent, learning that parents must teach their children everything.
He is the best babysitter. I can always depend on him to help me with Eli. He has saved me so many mornings by entertaining Eli while I finish mentally preparing for the day.
His favorite activities include playing the old school Super Mario Bros, his play-doh, his bubble machine and reading his Bible.

Eli is only one, but he has pushed me in ways that have led to a lot of growth within our family and I’m grateful.
He’s such a giggler. We love his laugh.
He likes hanging out with daddy and mommy. He is such a daddy’s boy, but they all are.
He likes to watch his brothers build, just so he can knock it over. I call him Tornado or Godzilla Eli LOL.
As he matures there will be more to write about, but just know he very much enjoys being the baby.
My Big Boys

The boys love being outside seeing what they can get into. Going to the farm chasing the animals. Run around the house chasing each other with their made up games. They look forward to Bible Time and our praise and worship time where we rock out banging on our instruments (that none of us can really play LOL).
They also enjoy learning how to read and write. Even Eli is starting to pick up pens and pencils drawing on the paper. Their favorite letter learning video and book at the moment is Chicka Chicka boom boom.
They are special little guys. I love how they interact with one another and other children, particularly younger ones. They are so gentle and watchful over them.
Our Family

We as a family enjoy our Sunday mornings where daddy makes pancakes and we play the Pancake Manor Pancake song.
Our random trips to Walmart or Target. Hitting up the arcade when we can.
Playing old school video games and finding a movie to watch on Saturdays after daddy gets off and we eat take-out.
In So..
To wrap up, this is our family. It’s a simple life, yet overwhelmingly fulfilling.
We would love to get to know you!
Drop a few lines in the comment box and introduce yourself, join our Family Faith Legacy Facebook page here to interact and have a chance to connect with one another there.
Hope to hear from you!!
Hi. I’m Rhonica. I enjoyed getting to meet your family. The kids are too cute!
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed the post! Hope to connect more with each other.
So very nice to meet your beautiful family! I LOVE that you went back to when you and Kerwin were dating. And your children are gorgeous!! Blessings to you and your family!
Thank you! I always enjoy going back to those days! Thank you for the blessings and and pray the same for you and your family.
So nice to meet you and your family!
Thank you! I hope to get to know you and your family as well on this journey.
Looking forward cuz❣️
Thank you for your support. Love you!
What a Beautiful family Elisabeth, I feel so blessed to be able to see you grow into the Blessed Woman you have become. Love Char
Thank you Charlene! I really appreciate the comment. Means a lot!
Love you too!!
This is so good! You did a great job on it. It makes me want to meet your family in real life! LOL
I’m proud of you!
Thank you so much Sis.Penney! Love you too!!
Hope to get together soon!
What a beautiful family! Precious! I enjoyed “meeting” them. You are blessed!
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed the meeting my family!
Simply Beautiful!!!
Thank you so much for checking out my page and commenting!
Hey sis I enjoyed reading this and I love all the pictures you posted!
Thanks! I was hoping they went with what I was trying to convey.